Simply drag and drop or upload your photo, select ‘exact size’ and type in the magic numbers- 400×400. Last, but certainly not least, is likely the most user-friendly site of the three. When you’re done, export your photo to Facebook. Next, click the Aspect tool and scroll until you find the Facebook cover photo size. Then, in the editor, click Edit to select your photo. To resize for Facebook, start by choosing a collage type. Click the yellow ‘I’m Done, Resize My Picture’ button and save to your computer however you’d like- viola! The PicStitch app for iPhone has a cover photo crop feature. Then under step 2 select ‘custom size’ and type 400 into both the Width and Height boxes. From there simply drag and click to crop your photo into a square. Like the first site, you will start by uploading your image. is another great option to quickly resize any image. Finally just scroll to the bottom and resize- easy as cake! You will only adjust the other two boxes, typing in 400 for each. Be sure to ‘Keep Aspect Ratio’ unchecked. We then we suggest clicking and dragging instead of entering a W or H value, and then just click crop! Next scroll on down to step 4- ‘Resize Your Image’.

After uploading you’ll need to ensure your image is square, so head on over to step 2-‘Crop’ where you will need to select Fixed Aspect Ratio and set it 1:1. We’ll be using a headshot of Corianne, our resident elation expert and studio manager for this example. looks a little more complicated than it is, but we promise you can do it! First, you will upload your photo. If you aren’t a photographer or computer wizard you may not know the difference between pixels and inches- so check out these user-friendly sites to make sure your photo is 400×400 pixels, aka just right for your profile!

Great for clarity and making you look your best, but the file may be too large for your profile.
#How do i resize a photo on picmonkey for facebook profile full
Odds are your headshot is a full resolution image. We’re here to help make that daunting task a little easier with three websites that can resize your LinkedIn headshot ( and if you don’t have a headshot we can help with that too!). Maybe you accomplished some career goals, changed jobs, or dyed your hair over the summer- whatever the change, your LinkedIn needs to reflect that. Before buckling down at work for the winter, it is about this time every year when reality sets in and you realize that your resume and LinkedIn may need a little work.

As we are moving towards the crisp fall air, we all try to soak up every last bit of summer as much as possible.